Link Desktop

Why is it that after I finish mussing about in C2, it strikes me about fifteen minutes later that there is an element of the drawing I really hate? Anyway - I tossed the triforce and made another desktop.

Link fanart

I obviously fiddled with filters a little bit, but it's good to get down some geeky fanart once and a while.


Something I find very hard to understand is the tendency of conspiracy theorists to immediately implicate the United States. It makes sense to ignore contrary evidence - a lack of trust adds the 'conspiracy' to the theory. It makes sense to attempt to critically analyze both the event and the reportings of the event. However, the explanation of who is responsible for this vast and mind-bogglingly complex plot is always assumed, and never explained.

I'm thinking of the 'Loose Change' video in particular, though this can be said of pretty much any popular conspiracy. It takes three seconds and Google to immediately debunk their claims, but I understand that people don't habitually seek evidence, nor are they taught how to think rationally. It's a failing of the education system, really.

But, for the sake of argument, let's say I agree with their claims of 9/11 being a controlled demolition covered by fake planes. Now where is the link to the US? Is it the only country that has access to explosives? Is it unique in the production of planes? What would inhibit any other nation from doing this?

It annoys me when I'm presented with highly paranoid and meticulous research, only to be asked that I leap over this huge gap of logic. I enjoy these things because they are so bizarrely concocted and presented; I enjoy the fabrications and the coincidences utilized to establish whatever point is at hand. Why does this highly-focused, detail-oriented machine fall apart at the finish line?

The only sensible explanation would be that the conspirator is an American nationalist. They believe that the American government is amazingly and meticulously organized, and that it is capable of amazing acts of elabourate deception. It's unthinkable that any other government would be able to do this - it's not even presented as an option. As we all know, other nations only exists in a strange fantasy land with moon-money and unicorns. I wish I had that much faith in government.

Mentioned, and it makes me feel happy.

Because I'm just that much of a geek. It was interesting to conduct interviews with camping console hopefuls to gain a sense of a strange and isolated subculture. It's a bizarre sort of person who would happily scamper to the first wave and play horrible launch titles.

Luckily for electronic hawkers, geeks are often exceptionally intelligent and have utilized this to gain a high level of disposable income. The market truly blossoms when the previously mentioned geekery inhibited local social growth, forcing them to latch on to a satellite community. More often than not the social network is one of fellow tech-savvy men/women*, and from there it's a metaphorical pissing contest to who has the latest merch.

Not that these were the people in line. The whole 'disposable income' thing comes with a price of a fairly heavy workload, and they can't waste time by sitting in front of a store for 42 hours like a slack-jawed welshman. That's when eBay kicks in.

*Ha ha! Who am I kidding?

My Desktop

My current desktop after I went to town with the 'filter' options in C2. I took out the third robot arm because it mucked up the picture. I harbor hate for it on an exceptionally personal level. I should probably start using this fancy 'label' option.


I can't wait till we can custom-design our brain. I've been thinking about it a lot recently. The appeal of maunually re-wiring your brain is intoxicating - the potential of connecting a secondary brain to up your proccessing power, and having custom lobes for mathmatic design or language. Little portable secondary brains: the first step we could take as a species to become post-human. And the marketing! The Apple iThink. Windows of the Mind. Nindendo iigo.

I Break You

Quick sketch, mostly to figure out how the back all fits together.

RO Eskadron

Another slice of fanart for Eskadron, sketched whilst waiting in line to buy the beautiful 'Fight Night'. Here is a tip for the savvy customer: If you decide to buy a game on a whim, make sure that the whim doesn't strike on the day the Wii launches.

The Noble Baristios

An imaginary coffee-worshiping creature. This is a favourite among my friends - I have no idea why.


I just noticed that Blogger allows for complete html/css customization. My inner geek does a little dance.

Kid Tesla

A quick sketch of another comic I'm working on. I love that gun.

Cam / Cillian

Cam-chan as one of the puppies.


As a child I wondered if Toad was poisonous.


More goth jillaroo.

That's How I Roll.

ha Ha!


I absolutely love this one. More studying, but what are you going to do? I'm just proud of the gothy hotness.


Nakkids and shaded. I really need to make a symbol for when I'm using Conan as a case-study.


More grom - I love them skulls.


My first attempt at a Conan style, using the comic itself. I don't know what to call this method - I suppose learning, but it's really just me drawing what I see.

Self Image, for a thumbnail

Interesting side note: this was my first image that was completely digital, from sketch to colour.

Oh wonderful fan-art: Venusaur


We would make our monsters out of meat, and our gods out of gears.